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Friday 21 April 2023

Jordan Baseman

'Do Faster Win More' on the A&H Screening Room

Jordan Baseman's film 'Do Faster Win More', 2022 is showing on The Arts and Heritige Screening Room, as part of their new regular online feature of artist films.

Available to view 18 April - 7 May 2023.

As part of Arts&Heritage’s Meeting Point programme, which explores tangible and intangible heritage with artists & partner sites, Jordan Baseman created a new film from his research at The National Paralympic Heritage Centre. Do Faster Win More explored ambition, success and failure through the lens of Paralympic cyclist Lora Fachie OBE.

The film, previously shown online via the NPHC website in 2022, is available to view on the A&H Screening Room 18 April – 7 May 2023; accompanied by an interview with curator and art critic George Vasey about the project, as well as a ‘making of’ film by filmmaker Pascal Vossen.

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