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Thursday 8 December 2022

Swedenborg Film Festival 2022

Judged by Lindsay Seers & Keith Sargent, curated by Sally O'Reilly and featuring Charlie Osborne

Swedenborg Film Festival 2022 is taking place on Saturday 10 December, from 6-9:30PM. Free entry, book tickets via the Swedenborg Society website.

This year’s festival will be judged by Lindsay Seers & Keith Sargent, who recently exhibited their work Cold Light at Matt's Gallery in 2022. The festival shortlist features 22 moving image works from around the world, spanning experimental and essay films, animation and documentary. The screening was co-curated by Sally O'Reilly, who participated in Matt's Gallery's Blackrock Residency in 2016.

Charlie Osborne's film Bury-Man-Lane will be showing in the first half of the programme. Charlie's film Twinkled ‘n’ Twitched was shown on MattFlix in 2021 as part of Not long but very good, a programme of four short artist films by 2021 graduates from London art schools, each screened for 24 hours. You can watch Twinkled ‘n’ Twitched in the MattFlix archive.

Swedenborg House is a fully inclusive not-for-profit publishing house, museum and cultural venue based in Bloomsbury, London. It hosts a diverse and lively programme of events. Featured speakers and artists have included Simon Armitage, A S Byatt, Brian Catling, Jeremy Deller, Deborah Levy, Iain Sinclair, Marina Warner and many others.

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